Understanding Go Interfaces: A Guide for Beginners

Understanding Go Interfaces: A Guide for Beginners

Hey there! Today, we're going to dive into the world of Go programming, specifically focusing on a concept that might sound intimidating at first: interfaces. But worry not! I'll break it down into simple terms, much like explaining how a universal remote control works with your home electronics. So, let's get started and demystify interfaces in Go!

What is an Interface in Go?

Imagine you have a bunch of electronic devices at home - a TV, a Radio, and a Smartphone. Each of these devices can be turned on and off, but they all do it differently. The TV uses a remote, the Radio has a switch, and the Smartphone has a touch button. Now, what if I told you there's a magical universal remote that can control all these devices, regardless of how they internally function to turn on or off? This is pretty much what an interface does in the Go programming language.

Interfaces: The Universal Remote of Go

In Go, an interface is like this universal remote. It's a set of methods (like buttons on the remote) that different types (our electronic devices) can implement. For instance, we can have a "PowerController" interface with methods "TurnOn" and "TurnOff."

Implementing the Interface

Each of our devices - TV, Radio, and Smartphone - is like a different type in Go. They will each have their unique way (implementation) of turning on and off. But as long as they have these "TurnOn" and "TurnOff" methods, they fulfill the requirements of the "PowerController" interface.

Using Interfaces in Functions

What's cool about Go is that you can write functions that work with interfaces. So, you could have a function that takes a "PowerController" and uses it to turn any device on or off, without knowing if it's a TV, a Radio, or a Smartphone. Go takes care of figuring out the correct method to call for each type.

Example in Code:

Let's put this into a simple code example:

type PowerController interface {

type TV struct { /* ... */ }
type Radio struct { /* ... */ }
type Smartphone struct { /* ... */ }

func (tv TV) TurnOn() { /* ... */ }
func (tv TV) TurnOff() { /* ... */ }

func (radio Radio) TurnOn() { /* ... */ }
func (radio Radio) TurnOff() { /* ... */ }

func (phone Smartphone) TurnOn() { /* ... */ }
func (phone Smartphone) TurnOff() { /* ... */ }

func useDevice(device PowerController) {
    // Do something with the device

In this snippet, TV, Radio, and Smartphone are different types that all implement the PowerController interface. The useDevice function can work with any of these types.

let's use a very simple and relatable example to understand interfaces in Go: a basic payment processing system.

Processing Payments:

Imagine you're building an online store, and you need to process payments. Your store might accept different payment methods like Credit Cards, PayPal, or even Bitcoin. While each payment method is different, they all share a common action: processing a payment.

This scenario is perfect for using interfaces in Go. We can define a PaymentProcessor interface and then implement it for each payment method.

Step 1: Define the Interface

First, we define a PaymentProcessor interface. This interface will have a method ProcessPayment that takes an amount and processes the payment.

type PaymentProcessor interface {
    ProcessPayment(amount float64)

Step 2: Implement the Interface

Next, we create different types that implement this interface. Let's say we want to process payments with Credit Card and PayPal.

Credit Card Payment

type CreditCardPayment struct{}

func (p CreditCardPayment) ProcessPayment(amount float64) {
    fmt.Printf("Processing a credit card payment of $%.2f\n", amount)

PayPal Payment:

type PayPalPayment struct{}

func (p PayPalPayment) ProcessPayment(amount float64) {
    fmt.Printf("Processing a PayPal payment of $%.2f\n", amount)

Step 3: Using the Interface:

Now, we can write a function that uses the PaymentProcessor interface. This function will process a payment without needing to know the specific payment method.

func processPayment(p PaymentProcessor, amount float64) {

Step 4: Putting It All Together

Finally, we can create instances of our payment methods and use them:

func main() {
    creditCard := CreditCardPayment{}
    payPal := PayPalPayment{}

    processPayment(creditCard, 50.00) // Processing a credit card payment of $50.00
    processPayment(payPal, 25.00)     // Processing a PayPal payment of $25.00

In this example, both CreditCardPayment and PayPalPayment implement the PaymentProcessor interface. The processPayment function can use any type that satisfies the PaymentProcessor interface. This demonstrates how interfaces in Go enable us to write flexible and modular code that can easily adapt to different implementations of the same concept, in this case, processing payments.

With the Payment Processor interface in our example, we are trying to achieve several key objectives that are central to good software design:

  1. Abstraction: The interface abstracts the details of how each payment method processes a payment. Whether it's a credit card, PayPal, or any other method, the PaymentProcessor interface ensures that they all can be used in the same way from the perspective of the code that's calling ProcessPayment. This means that the rest of your code doesn't need to know the specifics of each payment method.

  2. Flexibility and Scalability: By using an interface, you can easily add new payment methods without changing the existing system significantly. For example, if you decide to add Bitcoin as a new payment method, you just need to create a new type that implements the PaymentProcessor interface. The rest of your code that uses this interface remains unchanged, which makes the system more scalable and easier to maintain.

  3. Decoupling: The interface helps in decoupling the payment processing logic from the rest of the application. This means that changes in the payment processing module (like adding a new payment method or changing the logic of an existing one) will have minimal impact on other parts of the application.

  4. Ease of Testing: With interfaces, it becomes easier to test your application. You can create mock implementations of the PaymentProcessor for testing purposes. This allows you to test how your application handles payment processing without making real transactions.

  5. Consistency: It enforces a consistent method signature across all payment types. Every payment processor must have a ProcessPayment method that takes a specific amount. This consistency makes the code more predictable and easier to understand.

  6. Polymorphism: This is a key feature in object-oriented programming that interfaces facilitate. You can write code that works with the PaymentProcessor interface, and it will work with any type that implements this interface, allowing different types at runtime to be treated uniformly.


Interfaces in Go are like contracts or sets of rules. If a type (like our TV, Radio, or Smartphone) follows these rules (implements the methods defined in the interface), it can be used wherever that interface is accepted. This concept allows for writing flexible and reusable code, much like our universal remote seamlessly controlling various devices. So next time you're working with Go, remember this analogy and interfaces won't seem so daunting!